Essay Editing

Let's tighten and polish your law school Personal Statement—or any other piece of writing—until it's so sharp it can cut. 

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How This Works

I can help you plan and execute a face-melting Personal Statement, Diversity Statement, or any other thing you'd like to write.

For law school Personal Statements or Diversity Statements, start with the general advice below to create a first draft. 

Don't worry about anything 

...for this initial draft, except achieving the main goals from the outlines above.

It can be overlong.

It can be rough.

It can be unpolished.

All of that (and all the other problems you haven't considered yet) will be my job.


The cost

...for comprehensive essay polishing is $400 for 3 edits (no student I've worked with has needed more than 3 total edits).

Or, if you want to go one-at-a-time, the cost is $150/edit.

Purchase your edits here.


The details

for comprehensive editing service are as follow:

1. You write a first draft of your statement, using the outline contained in the Advice for Personal Statements or the advice for Diversity Statements on this page.

2. You submit that draft to me via Google Docs (I'll set it up for you; you'll just need to write—or copy—your statement to it).

3. You purchase your edits below.

4. Once you've finished your first draft, you can send me an email telling me you're ready for the first round of edits, and I will make notes and revisions in the text. I'll suggest improvements to the overall structure, and offer (sometimes extensive) revisions for the sake of clarity, readability, and style (to see my revisions, you'll choose "See revision history" from the File menu at Google Docs).

5. If you get the Comprehensive editing package, then you take note of my suggestions, and when you've finished your second draft, you'll email me to let me know you're ready for the second round of edits. We'll repeat that process one last time for a total of three edits from me.

6. The entire process usually takes between one and three weeks, depending on how quickly you write and how quickly I am able to respond. Usually, I submit edits within 48 hours of receiving your notification.

7. To get started, send me an email or book a discovery call.


What About My Résumé?

I can help you with that, too. Start by following the advice below, then if you'd like, I can edit your résumé to completion for one low rate.


Editing Options

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